Election Resources

If you’re wondering what all the parties and policies are all about in the upcoming Election, here are some information sources and resources looking at the election from a Christian perspective:



  • This is a really helpful briefing from the Christian Institute :Election Briefing
  • Not sure which candidates are standing? check here: Who are my candidates?
  • Want to know which questions to ask your candidates? Again the Christian Institute have provided a great resource Question cards
  • Christian Concern have their Election Page here :Power of the Cross
  • The three Christian sections of the three main parties have got together to promote Christians in politics  no matter the colour they represent! Christians in politics
  • The Evangelical Alliance has an Election Site: https://election.eauk.org
  • Check how your MP has voted on moral issues: How has my MP voted?
  • This is the UK Parliament Election Page which provides details on the nitty gritty of how it all works – If you’re a political nerd like me you might like it… UK Parliament – Election 2017


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Study Questions – Make or Break?

The Sermon was looking at Hosea 9:1 & 10:12

here it is in case you missed it – Make or Break!?

  1. take a few minutes to re-cap on Hosea. Why do you think it’s so repetitive?
  2. Read Chapter 9 verse 1 and also 2 Kings 15:19-20 which is the background – what was going on, who were the people trusting, why and what would be the result?
  3. Are there any parallels for the UK today?
  4. Read Chapter 10 verse 12 and take some time to discuss this verse in the context of individual lives, the life of our church and the life of our nation. How might we or might we not follow this command?
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Christian Witness in the shadow of #BREXIT

It’s incredibly concerning to see that across social media, and within our state broadcaster and other media, there is an appalling lack of wisdom in words uttered and views shared when it comes to the outcome of the referendum last week. What is even more shocking is the lack of grace, wisdom and love being shown across the Christian Church:

Democracy is an amazing thing…

…and the democratic process last week is proof of that. There will be those who are delighted that their view prevailed and others sad that theirs didn’t…

…but complaints against democracy are a very dangerous 

I have no doubt that just under half of the readers of this will be sore at the outcome, and just over half will be delighted, but what is required now is for people of all political views, of both the in and the out voters to stop battling and start getting on with the all important job of moving ahead positively; to avoid either vitriol or triumphalism and take a measured positive step, followed by another and another.

however we exercised our democratic right on June 23rd 2016, Britain can an will be great, but only if we so choose…

Christians are at risk of being appalling witnesses by showing a severe lack of compassion and wisdom in this!

Let’s not let this political vacuum intensify the spiritual vacuum – Let’s show the love of Christ as we navigate through the minefield of politics ahead, and let us stand firmly on His Word: continuing to be salt and light to a fallen world, and facing the future with His hope, be steadfast in sharing that hope with the world around us.

Ps 133:1: How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!

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