A Study of Storms…

This study is based on Mark 4:35-41 and the sermon The Teacher Tests Us

  1. What is the setting of this passage, i.e. what has been going on during the day before we get to the ‘that evening’ in our passage?
  2.  Did Jesus know that there would be a storm? If so, why did He tell His disciples to sail into it?
  3. How do we know whether our circumstances are as a result of, spiritual attack,  our own disobedience or our obedience?
  4. Why does Jesus test us, and what should we expect to learn through that testing?
  5. take a look at our verses of the year and compare them to this passage. How might our following the encouragements of those verses enable us to support one another and be supported in the storms that come our way?
  6. Spend some time lifting up the work and life of God’s Church at New Connexions in prayer.
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The Sickness of Sin… a cure

This study is based on Mark 2:13-28. The sermon can be downloaded here: Sinners called to be Saints

  1. Why was Levi being called by Jesus such a big deal?
  2. What can we learn from all of the different characters (and their responses) mentioned in the account of Levi’s calling (verses 13 – 17).
  3. Should Christians fast? explain the various answers.
  4. What was wrong with the Pharisees approach to the Sabbath?
  5. What can we learn from this, with respect to the way we spend our Sundays?
  6. Spend some time in prayer for each other and the wider church, asking the Lord to have His way in our church life and our personal lives.
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Bible Study – Mark 2:1-12

A study based on the sermon: Called to bring the roof down!

  1. In verse 1 it says Jesus came home, but Jesus home was in Nazareth; why does Mark say this?
  2. Verse 2: What was Jesus preaching to the people? What should we preach to people and what happens if we preach something different?
  3. Verses 3&4: discuss the faith these men had and the effect their faith had on the different people around i.e. the paralysed man, Jesus, the four friends, the religious leaders, others in the house.
  4. How should this impact our own faith and our own approach to bringing people to Jesus?
  5. Verse 5: Jesus forgives the man’s sin – what does that mean?
  6. Verses 6-12: Jesus proves His authority, what do His words and actions prove? How should that impact our lives?
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Such Authority!

A Study on Mark 1:21-45 based on the sermon: Authority!

  1. Imagine the scene in the in the Synagogue as Jesus joins the regular crowd. What was different about the way He taught?
  2. Discuss Demons, being possessed and what that means. Are Christians possessed? Discuss your answers.
  3. Why don’t we hear of people being possessed today?
  4. We see Jesus healing many people. Does He still heal today? If so why isn’t everyone healed?
  5. Talk through the lepers request, Jesus response and the Lepers response to being healed.
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