You were put in this Church for a purpose – are you fulfilling it?

A Study based on our verses for the year (Hebrews 10:23-25) and this Sermon: Your Church Needs You!

  1. Take the passage and use it as a ‘sounding board’ to answer the following:
    1. What is Christian hope and how does it differ from the way hope is often used?
    2. The passage doesn’t talk about us doing what we want or getting what we want but focuses on other brothers and sisters in our church, why is that and what difference should that make to the way we relate to each other as a church?
    3. Sometimes we get restless as individuals and decide that we want something else, maybe a different style or more going on, a bigger church or a smaller church. Why is acting on what we want almost certainly the wrong thing? (if there are any brave characters in the group they might share about past occasions when they have left churches for personal preference rather than because they were called for a purpose);
    4. How can we motivate, encourage, and provoke (in a positive way) one another? And how might we demotivate, discourage and provoke (in a negative way) one another?
    5. Should we expect Christ’s return soon?
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Those Magi – A Study

A study based on Misha’s sermon: Which Star Are You Following?

  1. What lessons can we learn from the Magi and their persistence to find Jesus. (matt 2 v 9)
  2. How can Simeon and Anna be an example to us today. ( Luke 3 v 25-38)
  3. Why is important to be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit and to be in fellowship with God and each other. (matt 25 v 1 -12)
  4. How can we convey the true meaning of Nativity to our unsaved loved ones and friends .
  5. Discuss as a group how Jesus second coming will have much in common with His first, the state of the world, Godlessness and other situations we see in the world at this time.
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A Study On Revelation 8:1-5

This study is based on the sermon: Does Praying Achieve Anything?

  1. Read Revelation 8:1-5 – what do the group know of the book Revelation?
  2. Where else in the bible is incense and prayer spoken of?
  3. Take a look at each verse of the reading and talk it through as a group.
  4. Does Prayer achieve anything? If so, what?
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A Study on Colossians 2:9-14

Some study questions based on the sermon Do You Have Real Peace?

  1. Read Colossians 2:8-14
  2. Verse 8 – How might we be captured, and by what kinds of empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense?
  3. Verses 9 & 10 – Why is it crucial that we see and believe the truth that Christ is both completely man and completely God? Also what does it mean, “that you are complete by your union with God“?
  4. Verses 11 & 12 – Discuss what we heard in the sermon about these verses on circumcision and baptism. How might we overstate or understate the importance of a public declaration of faith in baptism?
  5. Verses 13 & 14 – Pastor says, “These are powerful statements and if taken to heart will have a profound affect on the believer” Do you agree, if so (or not) why, and what difference is it going to have on your life with Christ?
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