Worship Service September 20th

It’s great to have you joining with us today.

If this is your first time with us or a regular, we trust that you’ll be blessed this morning.

It’s great to have you joining with us today.

If this is your first time with us or a regular, we trust that you’ll be blessed this morning.

If you’re unsure how to work your way through the service, simply follow the order of service below; you will find a mixture of video, links to worship and a few words, simply follow them all through in order and as every Sunday, we’ll all come out the other end, having read and studied God’s word, sung His praises, come before Him in prayer and been built up by Him as we go into the week ahead.

Song – Be Still

Song – Lord I Lift Your Name

Song – And Can It Be?


We have just heard that Mary Grain has had a burglary whilst in the house.

She is OK and Verity is with her, but please do keep her in your prayers.

Also, be aware that this type of crime is going on in the area.

Song – The Lord’s My Shepherd

Song- Jesus Be The Centre

Song – Blessed Be Your Name

Song – O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go

Blessing – God Be With You

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Worship Service August 16th

Good morning and welcome to everyone!

It’s wonderful to have you joining with us, either for the first time or again. To work your way through the service, simply follow the order of service below; you will find a mixture of video, links to worship and a few words, simply follow them all through in order and as every Sunday, we’ll all come out the other end, having read and studied God’s word, sung His praises, come before Him in prayer and been built up by Him as we go into the week ahead.

Song – Blessed Be Your Name

Song – Hungry

Song – Jesus, Jesus, Holy and Anointed One

Song – Mighty To Save

Song – Before the throne of God above

Blessing – May God Bless You

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John 14:1-6 A Study

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up here.

  1. Read through the passage and discuss why Jesus starts off with the words He does. i.e. what is the background to this passage.
  2. What does the bible tell us about heaven?
  3. As a group, discuss what you feel about eternity.
  4. Jesus makes it clear to us here that there is no other way to be saved. How can we use this passage when speaking to people who are not Christians.
  5. As you have looked at the questions above you will have seen some areas of application for us. Which other ways should we be applying this passage?
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