A study on Mark 15:22-39

If you missed the sermon on Mark 15:22-39, here it is:  A Gamers view of the crucifixion (or looking out with Jesus)

  1. Discuss the different people who were present at the crucifixion – what were they doing there, what motives might they have had, how did they respond on the day?
  2. Discuss your reaction to the crucifixion (look at all the gospel accounts and Psalm 22).
  3. In the sermon it was suggested that the crucifixion requires a response? Does it? If so, what is your response?
  4. We were challenged earlier in the service to encourage eachother with scriptures which have been helpful to us this year. Spend some time as a group doing this and consider learning a new scripture, together, each week.


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Study Questions – Mark 13:21-37

The sermon this week can be found here: Watch out…. FOR HIM!

  1. The ‘Olivet Discourse’ has been a challenging passage for the preachers – how has it been for you; i.e. have you learnt anything new, disagreed with anything you have heard? been confused or surprised by anything? Talk these things through as a group.
  2. Read Mark 13:21-37.
  3. Watching out for deception has been mentioned a lot, in which ways might we or others be deceived.
  4. The sermon ended with three points of application. Discuss what they were and how as a group and as a church we might help each other with these?
  5. In which other ways should we apply this passage?
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A Study on Mark 6:14-32

This study is based on the sermon The Death of A Conscience.

  1. Mark 6: 14-16 Discuss who the people were thinking Jesus was; what was the reason for each and why were they wrong?
  2. Mark 6:17-29 Talk through this glimpse of Herod’s life – at each twist and turn discuss the positives and negatives and look at how we might learn from this account.
  3. What is a conscience?
  4. How might our consciences become dull, damaged, and dead?
  5. Which ways can we keep our consciences in ‘tip-top’ condition?
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Mark 5:21-43 – A Bible Study

This study is based on Mark 5:21-43 and Misha’s sermon: Reach out and touch

  1. What does Jairus attitude tell us about him, and what can we learn and apply to our lives v 22-23?
  2. Try to put yourselves in the place of the woman with the illness, how would you have felt approaching Jesus?
  3. In what every day situations might we have to put our faith and trust in the Lord?
  4. How does Jesus react when He arrives at the house of Jairus in contrast to the gathering who were there?
  5. We don’t hear of Jairus and this lady again in scripture but how do you think the rest of their lives were impacted by this event?
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