Wise or Foolish? A Study

A study based on Proverbs 17:24

If you missed the sermon you cam pick it up here: Is that terribly wise?

  1. How would you describe wisdom? Can anyone have wisdom or is it a gift for some?
  2. What characterises a fool?
  3. Can the group recall any other times wisdom and foolishness are mentioned in the Bible? Discuss what God is saying through each example.
  4. How can we get wisdom?
  5. Discussion on things like this can be a bit disconnected from real life. in the sermon we looked at a number of ways that we could and should apply this passage to our lives. Discuss those further as a group, and consider how we might encourage and challenge each other in this.
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Bible Study: Colossians 4:5&6

A study based on the sermon: Live Wisely & Speak to People About God

Reading Colossians 4:5-6

  1. What is wisdom?
  2. Where can we find wisdom?
  3. In the sermon we spent some time looking at what it means to fear God (Psalm 111:10); what does it mean and why is it important for us to have a proper understanding of that?
  4. What does it mean to make the most of every opportunity, and also what does it not mean?
  5. Discuss verse 6 as a group and talk through how we might practically apply to our lives here and now.
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A study on Colossians 1:24-29

This study is based on the sermon Nothing New Here!

  1. Read Colossians 1:24-29; what are your first thoughts?
  2. Paul says he is glad to suffer and that he is participating in the sufferings of Christ [cf. 2 Corinthians 11:23-27]. Talk through what he means and how we should apply this in our lives.
  3. Paul is at pains to make clear that he is a servant for God. Discuss why it is important that we understand this and live it out.
  4. What does it mean to preach the whole gospel and how do we do it?
  5. God’s wisdom and strength are the key to Paul’s service – are we working, serving and living in His strength, power and wisdom? what difference does it make?
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