Study on Micah 4

Some study questions from Gordon to compliment the sermon A rock in times of trouble

1) Discuss the term “the last days” which occurs often in scripture. How should our understanding of the term affect our lives as Christians?


2) Mount Zion was by no means the highest of the mountains in Judea.

From vs 1-3 discuss what makes it so significant.


3) vs 3-8 describe a picture of peace and security. Clearly this is not what Micah has so far been prophesying for the nation’s near future. What is your understanding of when this will occur?


4) Do you think people are looking for fulfilment in their lives? Where do they look for it? Where should they look? How does knowing God’s world program make a difference?


5) The picture of the coming future is interrupted in vs 9-10 by the coming present. What does the society of Israel look like at this time? How does this reflect our society today?


6) Many groups in society seem to be successful in their attempts to silence the Christian voice in all areas of public life. What comfort is it to know that The Lord of all the earth still has His plans for the future of his people?

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