Why Should We Slave For Christ?

A Study On Colossians 3:22-4:1

If you missed the sermon, please do pick it up here: Slaving Away For Christ!

  1. What do we know about slavery now and back in the time Paul was writing, and why didn’t the early church protest and try to change laws to stop slavery?
  2. What is the context of this passage? [ cf.There is a verse chapter 3 that Paul is ‘unpacking’].
  3. As a group, spend some time thinking through and discussing how we should apply this passage to our lives:
    1. at work;
    2. within church life;
    3. at home.
  4. Which groups of people might verse 4:1 apply to in our society today, and how might we spot the difference between a believer and an unbeliever in each case.
  5. Turn back to verse 3:25 In the sermon we didn’t have time to ‘unpack’ this – as a group discuss who Paul was addressing in this statement and what exactly was meant.
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