Worship Service July 5th

It’s great to have you joining with us this morning. If this is your first time with us or a regular, we trust that you’ll be blessed this morning.

If you’re unsure how to work your way through the service, simply follow the order of service below; you will find a mixture of video, links to worship and a few words, simply follow them all through in order and as every Sunday, we’ll all come out the other end, having read and studied God’s word, sung His praises, come before Him in prayer and been built up by Him as we go into the week ahead.

Song – These are the days of Elijah

SongThere is a Higher Throne

Song- 10000 Reasons

Song – What a friend we have in Jesus

Song – Man of Sorrows what a name


Song – Give to our God Immortal Praise

Song – God be with you.   

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Romans 15 1-7 A study

  1. Does accepting “the weak” mean accepting everyone without question? If no, then why not?
  2. Whose example are we to follow in bearing the weakness of others (Romans 15:1-3)?
  3. What two things are mentioned that can help give us guidance as to how please and build up our neighbour (Romans 15:3-4)?
  4. What value has the Old Testament for Christians (Romans 15:4)?
  5. Why is it important that we be of one mind – what is the purpose of being unified – What does it mean to be of ‘one mind,’ how do we glorify God (Romans 15:5-6)?
  6. In what way are we to receive one another (Romans 15:7)?
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Study Questions – Romans 7:1-6

The Law & the Christian

1. In what sense are Christians “not under law” and in what sense do we still have obligations to it?

2. Why is the idea that love is the only command needed for those under grace inadequate and misguided?

3. If the law was impossible to keep and actually stimulated our sinful passions, why did God institute it?

4. Can there be such a thing as an unfruitful Christian? Include John 15: 1-8 in your discussion.

5. Paul uses marriage as a metaphor for our relationship to God and the law. Using the marriage vows discuss how these compare to our commitment to God.

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