5th June 2022

Acts 16:16-34

Passage: Acts 16:16-34

We’re looking at this passage in Acts under the heading of miracles. If we are going to do that, we need to get a definition of miracles. Miracle is an extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific rules and is therefore attributed to a divine agency, the miracle of rising from the grave. Interesting Wikipedia gives that as an example of a miracle. Well if we believe that God can do miracles, do we believe that God does miracles today? I hope you will answer yes to that question. I remember a song sung in the 1970s. I wonder if anyone here can remember it. “Expect the miracle when you pray. Expect a miracle everyday”. Well, today’s passage tells us about miracles, and it also includes the greatest question that anyone could ever ask. The book of Acts is a good place to consider these questions. It’s a great book. It describes the most exciting phase in the history of the church, with wonderful work being done by courageous men and women under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We see many healings in acts and they combined with powerful preaching and warm relationships that make us think that we would like to belong to that sort of church. Paul Woodbridge unpacks Acts 16:16-34

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