Matthew 16:13-15
Jesus said “Who do you say I am?”. That’s the question that has resonated throughout the centuries and how we answer it and perceive it, will determine our eternal destiny. It’s a question that Jesus, has asked of humanity throughout time and it never ever diminishes the importance of it. But let’s look at the historical context of the hows, whys and wherefores of why Jesus asked this probing question. Jesus and his disciples had come to the region of Caesarea Philippi. Now this is important to understand as we’re going to look a little later on at the event called the Transfiguration. The region of Israel that Jesus was in, was in the far north of the country. It sits to the southwest of Mount Hermon and is where the river Jordan has one of its main tributaries. Today there is a place there town called Banias. It’s a beautiful and amazing place to visit, but it’s not so much the physical location that matters, but the spiritual geography that will be of great importance to Jesus and 1st century Jews. After the Greeks under Alexander the Great conquered the region, they set up a shrine to worship the God Pan. Misha unpacks Matthew 16:13-15.