A familiar passage that hopefully we haven’t been subjected to, being challenged like Nathan challenged David. Hopefully we haven’t committed adultery with someone or murdered their partner, but we are…
Repetitive themes run through 1 John. Contained within the first 5 chapters is a reemphasis on specific points. 1. God’s love for us through the atoning work of Jesus Christ.…
We are the children of the King of the Universe. The world does not know us. We are diametrically opposed to the values of our society. We will inherit what…
In the passage the Israelite people are back in Jerusalem, reading the law, praising God. Our church is meeting for the first time today in a building for over a…
Bible Text: Psalm 6 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Christian Life, The Psalms
Bible Text: Psalm 5 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Christian Life, The Psalms