Bible Text: Romans 11:33-36 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Romans | How big is your God?
Bible Text: John 10:10 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Christian Life Where will your choice of life lead you to when it comes to eternity? The is a…
Bible Text: Mark 10:1-12 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Christian Life, The Gospel of Mark What does Jesus have to say about marriage? Quite a lot as…
Bible Text: Colossians 1:15-20 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Christian Life, Colossians With Jesus, what you see is what you get is.... we see just who that is in this…
Bible Text: John 1:1-14 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Gospel of John The Word... Made flesh? Time to get excited!