Bible Text: Colossians 1:21-23 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Colossians, The Christian Life The Gospel seen in the acronym K.I.S.S. Have you got it?
Bible Text: Colossians 1:15-20 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Christian Life, Colossians With Jesus, what you see is what you get is.... we see just who that is in this…
Bible Text: Colossians 3:1-17 | Preacher: Russell Grief Are you enjoying 'The Good Life'?
Bible Text: Zephaniah 3 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Minor Prophets Zephaniah's climax - a prophecy showing the incredible love and justice of our God.
Bible Text: Matthew5:1-3 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Christian Life, The Be Attitudes, The Christian Life What does it mean to be poor and how does being poor enable…
Bible Text: Leviticus 23:33-44 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Feasts and Festivals of Israel The finale, the big one, the culmination... this is exciting!
Bible Text: Leviticus 23:26-32 | Preacher: Gordon Lowman | Series: Feasts and Festivals of Israel The Goat has left the camp...
Bible Text: Psalm 127 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Christian Life Who's building your life...?
Bible Text: Micah 6 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Minor Prophets God is looking for a relationship with you - what about you, what are you looking for?
Bible Text: Micah 5 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Minor Prophets From everlasting to everlasting - what a promise!