Bible Text: Hosea 8 and 9 | Preacher: Gordon Lowman | Series: The Minor Prophets Amongst other things, Gordon reminded us of what it is to be a half baked…
Bible Text: Hosea 4-6 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Minor Prophets God will do whatever it takes in bringing you down so that you may once again look…
Bible Text: Acts 1:1-11 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Christian Life I wonder, have you grasped the enormity of the ascension?
Bible Text: Matthew 28: 11-20 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Christian Life A passage with plenty of punch and enormous encouragement
Bible Text: Amos 9 | Preacher: Russell Grief | Series: The Minor Prophets
Bible Text: Amos 8 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Minor Prophets Famine, but do we care?
Bible Text: Amos 7 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Minor Prophets Here we in Chapter 7 see Amos' Courage is born from his Compassion.
Bible Text: Amos 6 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Minor Prophets Sometimes we're just not bothered when we really should be!
Bible Text: Amos 4 | Preacher: Gordon Lowman | Series: The Minor Prophets A first line of scripture like that should get our attention!
Bible Text: Amos 1-2 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: The Minor Prophets An introduction to Amos and the first two chapters