Sierra Leone Mission Prayer Points for JUNE / JULY 2016

CofH Crsst‘This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we

ask anything according to His will, He hears us.’

1 John 5 v 14

Sunday: Pray for the advance of the gospel in Sierra Leone. Pray that the members of the C. of H. Churches might be light and salt in their communities. May their witness be evident to those who are as yet unsaved.

Monday: Pray for the newly appointed leaders. Pray that God will give them wisdom and discernment in their new roles. Pray especially for Rev. Theophilus Nicol and Rev. Alex Dixon.

Tuesday: Pray that the C. of H. churches in the U.K. will realise the responsibility that we have to pray and give to our brothers and sisters in S.L.

Wednesday :  Pray for Ebenezer church at Manallo Village. Pray for the pastor Magnus Bendu and the lay pastor and headmaster of the school, Daniel Ndomawah. Praise God that the church is growing and pray for the teachers and children who attend the school.

Thursday: Many children who have lived at Bethesda have been reunited with family members. These children have turned to Christ during their time at Bethesda. Pray they will stand firm in their faith.

Friday: Pray for the street children who are moving into Bethesda. Pray for wisdom in their selection and a settled initial period.

Saturday: Pray for Rev. Daniel Koroma our agent in S.L.  Continue to pray for him and his daughter in their loss last summer of wife and mum.


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Sierra Leone Mission Prayer Points for April / May 2016

CofH Crsst

I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand,

 I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices

(Acts 2:25-26)

Sunday: We thank God for a successful A.G.M. at conference and for the offering of just over £5,000 which will provide for two new toilet blocks.

Monday: Pray for the committee members who were re-elected, and for Geoff Chapman who has joined the committee. Pray for wisdom for each of them as they seek God’s will for the future.

Tuesday: Pray for continued protection from the Ebola virus for those in Sierra Leone, thanking God for the protection so far.

Wednesday: Pray that the rice might continue to be a source of comfort to the needy and outreach to non-Christians in S.L. as Daniel, Magnus and the leaders distribute to those in need.

Thursday: Pray for the new chairman and General Superintendent of the connexion in S.L., Rev Theophilus Nicol, for his assistant Rev Alex Dixon also Rev Magnus Bendu as he takes on the role of secretary.

Friday:  Pray for Rev Daniel Koroma, our agent in Sierra Leone as he carries out the many tasks he does for us, but also in running his church.

Saturday: Pray for the children who have been brought into the new home at Bethesda and for those looking after them, as they teach the love of Jesus through all they do.

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Prayer points for the coming months


We’ve been blessed for many years with the use of St Mary’s School, and we hope this will be the case for some time to come, but the elders feel it is right to seek the Lord on the possibility of a permanent building, to enable us to further the work of New Connexions.

Some prayer points for this are:-

  1. That the Lord would make it clear to us about whether we should be seeking to build or find a long term agreement with another organisation in the area?
  2. Pray the Lord may provide a piece of land with the area we’ve been called to, according to His will and purpose.
  3. To provide financial assistance for the work
  4. To raise a team within our church who are dedicated to the future of the building work
  5. Guidance on how the building could, not only glorify him, but to serve the local community.



A number within the Church have been challenged by our need to reach the youth of the area.

Some prayer points for this are:-

  • A suitable venue may be found for us to meet.
  • We have some male volunteers to help run this project but we also need some female leaders.
  • In the running of this youth group there will be times and activities when we tell them about God and we would pray for clear inspiration on the content and leading of these ‘epilogue’ sessions.
  • A sound programme and ideas will be needed, as we obviously can’t rely on the youngsters turning up and organising themselves!
  • The Lord’s provision of equipment for this venture.

Please do pray for the work of New Connexions and use these prayer points in Housegroup, Prayer Meetings and personal prayer to specifically seek the Lord on these key points.

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