4th September 2022

Daniel 3:19-30

Passage: Daniel 3:19-30

Most of us are very familiar with this reading from Daniel. It is about the 3 young Jewish men who are tied up in the hottest furnace imaginable and yet, by God's power, they not only survive but came through completely unscathed. I ask you this question. Are you feeling the heat? Do you feel like you're going through the furnace of affliction and the thermostat is set on the 120 mark? This is a rhetorical question because for all of us, in one degree or another, we're all going through things. It's given at this moment in time, certainly the recent past or certainly in the near future, all of us will feel that flame. And it's gonna be so hot it's going to set off that fire alarm. Misha unwraps Daniel 3:19-30.

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