Daniel Douglas introduces himself and shares the work of London City Mission. It is estimated that 1 in 3 Londoners will never hear the Gospel in their lifetime. The work…
Did Jesus rise from the dead? Does it matter? I hope one thing we're going to see is that we don't speak about the resurrection enough. We place a lot…
Bible Text: Hebrews 13:8 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Advent and Christmas, The Christian Life | We live in a world of constant change... Where do you find your…
Bible Text: John 1: 26 - 42, John 6: 3-9, John12: 20-22, Mark 13:1-4 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Bible Personalities | What can we learn about discipleship from…
Bible Text: Romans 9: 6-13 | Preacher: Keith Waters | Series: Romans | Don't get hooked up on what you don't understand... Instead just look to God's incredible Grace and…