- It is still the rainy season in Sierra Leone and there has been much flooding in Freetown. Many people have lost their homes and belongings and some their lives. Please continue to pray for safety and a stop to the mud slides. Please pray that the Government might act wisely concerning the deforestation on the mountains and also bring in legislation so that folk are not allowed to build near waterways that are liable to flood.
- The schools begin their new year on the 16th September. Please pray for our teachers; that God will help them to value each child in their class and that they will be encouraged in their vocation.
- Pray for Magnus, Daniel and James as they lead the Connexion in Sierra Leone. Pray for the pastors especially as they all meet together on the last Saturday of the month.
- Pray for the new Sunday School teachers and the children as the children’s work develops.
- Thank God that all of the children at Bethesda passed their exams in June and are able to move into the next class.
- Pray for a meeting on the 19th September between the SLM committee and Relay Trust. This charity has its own web page.
- Thank God for providing funds to buy land for the Health Clinic. Please pray that God will undertake in the next step; to design and build.