Who is Jesus?

A Study on Mark 3:16-35 based on the sermon: Who Do You Say I AM ?

  1. In the reading, what were the four main groups of people Jesus came into contact?
    Discuss their response to His ministry.
  2. There are three miracles that Jesus performed to prove He was the real deal – what were they?
    Look at Isaiah 35 v5-6. Then in-turn look at Mark 7 v31. / Matt 12 v22  and Mark 1 v40
  3. Jesus uses the most unlikely of people, regardless of their disabilities. Why?
    How does that challenge us in our lives. Are we spiritually disabled and how is that reflected in our Christian lives?
  4. What is the unforgivable sin v29? Can we commit this sin today?
  5. What was Jesus getting at here in v33 What point was he making? Look at John 1 v12-13
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