Every now and then, whilst in college, I find myself in a meeting or a conversation where a group of generally friendly, but strident left wing academics will be holding forth about the wonders of the present ‘equality and diversity’ framework in the UK….

When I comment on the damage I feel this agenda is doing to the Western (particularly UK) society I’m often rounded on by all present with something like, “Surely as a Christian you can’t object to this, after all aren’t you lot supposed to be caring and loving and accepting of all?”
On the surface, this looks to be a fair point doesn’t it? And yes I will, absolutely shout from the rooftops that Jesus’ love is to be shown and shared to all. However the experience of the Christian church in the UK is that the very ‘equality and diversity’ framework which is held in such high esteem by the largely extreme left elite and their media circus, is actually constructed and promoted by those with alternative agendas which sit in opposition to Biblical Christianity.
As Christians we need to tackle this with Godly wisdom and compassion, not seeking to be contentious, but standing up for the truth, and speaking the truth in love.
I think Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, summed the situation up well when commenting on a recent case of a Christian woman being disciplined for nothing other than being herself (inoffensively) in the work place. Andrea said “Victoria’s case highlights the risks of the current ‘equality and diversity’ framework. Rather than bringing people together and creating more cohesive workplaces where people can be honest about who they are and build meaningful relationships, ‘political correctness’ means that many workplaces are becoming fragmented, superficial and suspicious. People are being forced to hide their identity and the things that matter most to them.”