Judges 6:33-40 ~ A Study

If you missed the sermon on this passage you can pick it up here

  1. Before reading through the passage discuss what you know about Gideon.
  2. Read the passage.
  3. Who were the Midianites and the Amalekites, and why did they come to the valley of Jezreel?
  4. What is surprising about Gideon’s decision to ‘put out the fleece’?
  5. What is surprising about God’s response?
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Romans 4:13-25 – A Study

If you missed the sermon on this passage, please pick it up here

  1. Discuss the question: What is faith?
  2. Read through the passage and each time you come to a sentence which discusses Abrahams faith, hope or belief stop and discuss it?
  3. How long was it between God’s promise to Abram and the birth of Isaac? (you can check out Abraham’s life in Genesis 12-25 you might want to read through these chapters before meeting to study).
  4. Where is the application for us from this passage, and how night we encourage each other in that application?

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A Study on Habakkuk 3

Here’s the sermon if you missed it: Have you heard from God? Are You Filled by God?

  1. Read verses 1&2. What does Habakkuk say about God, and what effect does it have on him? What is the application here for us?
  2. Read verses 3 to 15 and trace back the various bible references Habakkuk picks up on.
  3. Why is it important to look at what God has done in the past?
  4. Read verses 16-19. How does Habakkuk’s attitude shift from chapters 1&2 to here? What has caused the change.
  5. Discuss as a group how the study on this book has challenged, encouraged and helped, and also consider any areas where you may have struggled.
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A study – Mark 14:32-52

If you missed the sermon, you can pick it up here: It started with a kiss….

  1. Read the passage: Mark makes a point of translating the Hebrew word Abba, to ensure everyone knows what this word means – why is it a significant word and what does it tell us about the kind of relationship God wants to have with us?
  2. Discuss and work out what we can learn from:
    1. the words of Jesus prayer – what exactly did Jesus mean?
    2. why did the disciples keep sleeping?
    3. why did Jesus pray the same things more than once?
  3. What if anything surprises you about Jesus arrest?
  4. If Peter was willing to draw a sword and fight, what made all the disciples run away?
  5. What can we learn from this passage for our lives in the here and now in Ely?