8th May 2022

Romans 11:1-12

Passage: Romans 11:1-12

Israel on the 27th of April, was commemorating the Shoah, their Holocaust Remembrance Day. Throughout the land on this day, the nation, given time, comes to a complete standstill and they remembered the six million Jewish people murdered throughout Europe by the Nazis. It's very much akin to our Remembrance Day that we celebrate or commemorate on November the 11th every year. I just wanted to do a quick fly through on Chapter 11, just selecting a few highlights that will help us, not just to understand Paul’s heart for the people here, but the fuller context of Romans 9 to 11, which I'm going to have to admit, it's one of my favourite parts of the New Testament. But even though it is primarily directed towards the people of Israel, there are some gems, right buried in here for us goyim or gentiles, because we know that the gospel is inclusive to all nations. In fact, Ephesians 2 is about us gentiles becoming united to Christ through the blood of Jesus. Breaking down the walls of partition and that famous verse, where we find Jews and Gentiles becoming reconciled as one new humanity in verse 15. It's easy to read this today with an air of complacency and almost skip over it. But what Paul was writing, here was revolutionary, earth shattering, gentiles coming to know the God of Israel through her own Messiah. I think time has desensitized us, to how great ground-breaking his statement was. Misha unpacks Romans 11:1-12

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