A Study on Colossians 1:1-14

This study is based on the two sermons below and so it would be beneficial to have heard them prior to the study:

This is Amazing Grace

How do I know what God wants me to do?

  1. What do we know about this letter (why and when did Paul write etc.), Colossae, and the Colossian church?
  2. Read the passage: Colossians 1:1-14
  3. Work through the passage again – slowly, paying particular attention to what it teaches us about prayer. Which aspects of Paul’s approach to prayer might be missing in our prayer lives? Discuss and then consider how this can be put right.
  4. How can we know the will of God? Discuss this question in some depth, it’s a major topic amongst Christians today, yet the answer is plain and simple, so why do we still struggle.
  5. Please take some time together praying for each other and the wider fellowship; that we may know more and more of Jesus in our lives.
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To be or not to be…. Meek

A study based on the sermon: Are You On The Inheritance List?

Start off by reading Matthew 5:1-12, then re-read verse 5

1 – What is meek and what isn’t?

2 – How would taking the first two beatitudes seriously lead us to be “meek”

3 – Can you be meek and angry at the same time? (James 1:19-21) Meek and have strong convictions? (Galatians 2:11-14)

4 – What does “meekness” look like: -In business… -In school… -In our church… -In your neighbourhood…

5 – How does someone become meek? How can God change you in the following behaviours and attitudes? (Matthew 11:28-30)

Demanding ————————–Understanding

Judgmental ————————–Gentle

Condemning ————————-Respectful

Defensive —————————–Teachable

Vengeful ——————————Merciful

Arrogant ——————————Humble

Self-sufficient ————————Trusting

6 – Where do we learn the attitudes listed on the left and what is our motivation for living out the attitudes on the right?

7 – From the world’s point of view, why is it surprising that the meek will inherit the earth?

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Feasts of Israel – Study 2

Study based on the sermon: Jewish Feasts Part 2 – Pentecost

Reading: Leviticus 23: 15-22

There are only a few questions here but take each one in as much depth as you can.

  1. What was Pentecost:
    1. looking back to;
    2. giving thanks for;
    3. looking ahead to?
  2. Why was yeast used in the bread and why were there two loaves – what do the loaves represent?
  3. Where is the application for us as a church in the UK in the 21st century?
  4. please take time to pray for each other and pick up on this terms prayer pointers below:

This term’s prayer pointers:

  • Give regular thanks for answered prayer;
  • Pray that The Lord will build His Church at New Connexions: spiritually, physically and numerically;
  • Seek the Lord for direction as to outreach in the year ahead.


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Missed the sermon? Never mind here it is: Power to Harvest

These questions are based on the first 13 verses of Acts 2

  1. There are 7 feasts or festivals that the Lord instituted (cf. Leviticus 23):
    1. what are they;
    2. when roughly do they fall;
    3. what was the original purpose of each one and what were, or will be, the eventual fulfilments for each;
    4. which have yet to be fulfilled?
  2. What was the effect of God pouring out His Spirit?
  3. Why don’t we see God doing this today?
  4. What were the believers doing before the Holy Spirit came (cf. Acts 1:14)
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