Why Might We Not Pray?

A study based on the sermon  Is There Grass On Your Path?

  1. In the sermon we looked briefly at the following scriptures: James 4:1-2, Isaiah 59:1-2, 2 Chronicles 16:9a. Which other verses on prayer come to mind, when thinking about our need and reluctance to pray.
  2. Take the 5 sermon headings and talk through practical applications which we could commit to taking on board (individually and as a church). The headings were:
    1. We crowd out prayer with other things
    2. Sin separates
    3. We don’t see prayer as a relationship thing
    4. We don’t appreciate the massive importance of the facts that prayer prepares us for spiritual warfare. And prayer is spiritual warfare.
    5. We think we can handle things ourselves
  3. Spend some time praying for each other.


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