Micah 1 – Study Questions

If you missed the sermon on this you can pick it up here: Puns aren’t always funny

  1. Read through the chapter – what are your first impressions of the book?
  2. What do we know about Micah, the time he was ministering, which other prophets were about at the same time etc.
  3. How did God give His messages to Micah, and what did Micah do with those messages? What can we learn from this about being open to God and obedient to him?
  4. On Sunday, after a brief overview of the chapter, we looked at three specific questions – what were they? Take some time to discuss each of them as a group, considering why the question is important, how Micah helps us answer the questions, and how we as individuals and as a church might need to take these things more seriously in our lives (there is probably a whole study just in this question…).



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