The Depths of God’s Love: Its Lavish Benefits. See how great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God. One of…
How do you define love? How would you end the sentence love is? You can read the Daily Mail particularly in the 60s and 70s, they published the daily cartoon…
I'm sure you don't really need me to help you to recognize that we live in times of great turbulence and extremes. As Jesus was saying here we see the…
This morning's message is entitled as “David, the original giant killer”. We use that phrase, “giant killers” quite often, in various contexts in society. It’s used in Sport, I enjoy…
Power in Weakness How can we grow in our walk with God? How can we keep close to Him? How can we minister in a way that brings glory to…
What happens when you have lived somewhere a long time and the city has become so familiar to you and because you see it so often that it is no…
There a lot of people who look at the Jonah in the whale story and say “that couldn’t have possibly of happened, it is fiction, it is one of those…
From those 15 verses from Mark's Gospel, how do you describe the way Jesus is portrayed there as he begins his Galilean ministry, as he calls his first disciple, as…
Most of us are very familiar with this reading from Daniel. It is about the 3 young Jewish men who are tied up in the hottest furnace imaginable and yet,…
I'd like us to really look at the question that Joel asks the people right at the beginning of this book, where he says to them in verse 2, “has…