Bible Study – Mark 2:1-12

A study based on the sermon: Called to bring the roof down!

  1. In verse 1 it says Jesus came home, but Jesus home was in Nazareth; why does Mark say this?
  2. Verse 2: What was Jesus preaching to the people? What should we preach to people and what happens if we preach something different?
  3. Verses 3&4: discuss the faith these men had and the effect their faith had on the different people around i.e. the paralysed man, Jesus, the four friends, the religious leaders, others in the house.
  4. How should this impact our own faith and our own approach to bringing people to Jesus?
  5. Verse 5: Jesus forgives the man’s sin – what does that mean?
  6. Verses 6-12: Jesus proves His authority, what do His words and actions prove? How should that impact our lives?
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