Worship Service June 7th


It’s great to have you joining us and whether it’s for the first time or you’re a regular that you’ll be blessed this morning.

If you’re unsure how to work your way through the service, simply follow the order of service below; you will find a mixture of video, links to worship and a few words, simply follow them all through in order and as every Sunday, we’ll all come out the other end, having read and studied God’s word, sung His praises, come before Him in prayer and been built up by Him as we go into the week ahead.

**Stop Press – Prayer update** praise God Gavin has now been moved from ICU to an acute ward. Please pray for Julie’s scan at today (12.10).

Song – Thine Be The Glory

Song – Bless The Lord O My Soul

Song – O The Deep Deep Love Of Jesus

Song – What A Friend We Have In Jesus

Song – Rock of Ages

Song – Crown Him With Many Crowns

Blessing – God Be With You

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Sierra Leone Prayer points October 2019

  1. We are starting a Connexional Sunday School training today. Trainees(50-60) are of various backgrounds and different educational levels, some not literate at all. They will spend 49 hrs in 8 weekends. Pray for patience in bother facilitators and trainees and wisdom; & resources to handle this successfully.
  2. We have been having, for quite a while now, a serious back and forth with the government on boundaries at Jui land. We are now close to a compromised solution. Pray for sincerity in the hearts of government officials.
  3. The cost of living has considerably increased in the past months. Many people (over 85%) are really poor and things are difficult. Inflation and lack of employment are among some of the reasons. Pray that God will endow the government with wisdom to tackle the root cause of this trend.
  4. As Pastors in the Connexion, we have been praying and planning for our usual annual rretreat.Over 80% of our Ministers depend on stipend from the SLM grant. Paying the cost of the retreat by themselves is not feasible. Pray for God’s provision as we plan for this event which is so important for Ministers.
  5. The Connexional youth have also planned to meet for their camp this year after a lapse. Pray for their planning team for wisdom and provision.
  6. The chaplaincy ministry in our schools is up and running as of September. Pray for God to help us sustain it and use it to bless the teachers and children.
  7. A gentleman called Gabriel Madieh, who is head of The Shepherds Hospice in Sierra Leone, was leasing one of our facilities at Jui. This was where the heads of the Connexion should reside, but he has been working frantically to connive with government so that he can take the facility away from us and own it personally. He has refused to pay the agreed lease since 2003 and forcefully continues to stay in the house. We cannot take legal action against him as yet until we have all the papers from government. Many people in the Connexion are very furious with his disrespectful attitude to the Connexion. Please pray that God will touch his heart and the Church will have the upper hand.
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A Study – Mark 16:15-20

Reading – Mark 16:15-20

Based on the sermon: Able to flourish!?

  1. In the sermon we looked at three points in this passage which, over the years, have been taken out of context and so become controversial. Discuss what they were and what Mark’s point was.
  2. Looking at verses 15 and 20; discuss what is meant by go, preaching, the good news, everywhere, everyone.
  3. Verse 19 is a short statement of fact – what does that fact mean for us?
  4. Discuss what it means for us to live in the power of The Holy Spirit.
  5. How are individuals going to apply this to their lives in the days ahead?

There is a big cost – Week of Prayer Day 8; 2018

Pray like this: Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.

Matthew 6:9-10

To pray these verses is a big ask. Why do I suggest that…? Simply because when we pray “May your Kingdom come” we must be ready to add, ‘and start with me – do whatever it takes Lord to have me submit completely to your will for my life, that I might be living the life You will have me live, as an obedient subject in Your kingdom, ready to willingly take my place where You put me to work for Your kingdom’.

Jesus says to us – pray like this! Are we able, will we trust Him and accept His answer? You see when we pray this prayer with sincerity we are saying, Lord I know You have called me; I know that calls is to ‘carry my cross’, I know that call is to offer You back my life knowing that it will (one way or another) be lost for the sake of living and sharing the gospel, and so I know that in praying this prayer I must be ready to accept Your call to self denial.

Have we properly grasped the demands of this prayer, have we understood it? If we are serious about our faith, we will pray this prayer with a seriousness, willingness and expectancy that the Lord will use us for His glory in His way…

Let’s pray!

Children’s Prayer Activity

Day 8 

I wonder how you pray? Do you have your eyes shut? Have you tried jumping or sitting or laying or running or standing on one leg?

You can pray at anytime in any position – see how many different ways you can pray today!