Humble yourself!

Some study questions For James 4:1-10.

Here’s the sermon if you missed it… Rock Solid

  1. Take a few minutes as a group to remind each other about who James was, why he was writing etc.
  2. Verse 1: If we have any disagreements with people in our church family, how should we deal with them? – see also Matthew 18: 15-20.
  3. Why might we find prayer difficult?
  4. Why doesn’t God give some people what they ask for? (James 4:3, Isaiah 55:89, 2 Peter 3:8, Philippians 4:6-7, John 15:7).
  5. Verses 7-10. In the sermon we looked at three rock solid promises, what are they? Talk through each one as a group and look at how, if we take them to heart, they can empower us.
  6. How is the reverse logic in verses 9 and 10 true?
  7. What are the key applications in this passage that group members are going to take away and put into practice?
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Study Questions – Make or Break?

The Sermon was looking at Hosea 9:1 & 10:12

here it is in case you missed it – Make or Break!?

  1. take a few minutes to re-cap on Hosea. Why do you think it’s so repetitive?
  2. Read Chapter 9 verse 1 and also 2 Kings 15:19-20 which is the background – what was going on, who were the people trusting, why and what would be the result?
  3. Are there any parallels for the UK today?
  4. Read Chapter 10 verse 12 and take some time to discuss this verse in the context of individual lives, the life of our church and the life of our nation. How might we or might we not follow this command?
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Missed the sermon? Never mind here it is: Power to Harvest

These questions are based on the first 13 verses of Acts 2

  1. There are 7 feasts or festivals that the Lord instituted (cf. Leviticus 23):
    1. what are they;
    2. when roughly do they fall;
    3. what was the original purpose of each one and what were, or will be, the eventual fulfilments for each;
    4. which have yet to be fulfilled?
  2. What was the effect of God pouring out His Spirit?
  3. Why don’t we see God doing this today?
  4. What were the believers doing before the Holy Spirit came (cf. Acts 1:14)
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Prayer – take it or leave it…

You’ll be helped in this study by taking time to pick up on the accompanying sermon Not an optional extra

Acts 1:12-14

  1. What does it mean they all met together and were constantly united in prayer? How does this compare to the prayer life of New Connexions (please spend some time in honest discussion on this)?

Acts 4:23-31

  1. What does it mean that God is sovereign – how should this affect our prayer life?
  2. What Psalm did they quote and what were the main points in their prayer?
  3. How can we use the Bible in our prayer life? Can you give any examples of how you have used the bible to aid your prayer life?
  4. Describe the likely outcome of a life led by a Christian who doesn’t prioritise prayer – how does this contrast with a life led in obedience to God?
  5. What lessons have you learnt from this study that could aid your prayer?


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