Feasts of Israel – Study 5

Study based on sermon: Jewish Feasts Part 5 – Tabernacles (Sukkot)

Reading: Leviticus 23:33-44

  1. Take a quick tour through the first 6 feasts and relate what they looked back to and also what their prophetic fulfilment is or was.
  2. This feast is known as The Feast or The Great Feast – why do you think that is?
  3. In the Sermon we looked at again at the number seven in relation to this feast, the feasts in general and God’s plan. Discuss as a group how much of this you can remember and how it all fits together.
  4. Jesus (John 7 specifically v.37-39) taught at this feast. How do Jesus words look to the fulfilment of the feast of tabernacles and how does it fit with Zechariah 14:4-9.
  5. What should we, as a church today, take and apply to our lives from our study on the feasts.
  6. If as a group you have unresolved questions on this study please don’t be afraid to ask Pastor.
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