A walk with Jesus

Read Luke 24:13-33

Catch up on the sermon if you missed it – here it is: A walk with Jesus (message)

  1. Put yourself in the place of the people in verses 13-24. What are they doing, thinking and feeling? Why does Jesus ask the two what they are discussing (verse 17) and “what things” had been going on lately (verse 19)?
  2. Sum up Cleopas and the other disciple’s answers? What do you make of their understanding of who Jesus is?
  3. Look at verses 25-27. Is Jesus being hard on the disciples? Why or why not? What is he particularly concerned about? Why do you think it was “necessary”for the Messiah to “suffer these things and then enter into his glory”?
  4. Jesus showed them the passages all through the Bible that were about Him. What are some of these passages that he might have mentioned? Here are some to get you started(Genesis 3:15; Numbers 21:6-9 [cf. John 3:14-15]; Deuteronomy 18:15; Psalms 22; 16:8-11; 118:22-23; Isaiah 11:1-7; 53:1-6; 61:1 [with Luke 4:18-22]; Daniel 7:13-14 [cf. Matthew 26:64].), but there are many more, try and find as many as you can.
  5. What do you think it means that their hearts “burned within them” when Jesus explained the Scriptures to them (verse 32)? Have you ever experienced this as you’ve read your bible?
  6. What has changed about the disciples understanding about Jesus, and what is the effect?
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