Bible Study Mark 15: 40-47

Reading: Mark 15: 40-47

Sermon: Christ was buried…

  1. Read through all the gospel accounts for Christ’s  burial; what do we learn about Joseph of Arimathea from these various accounts?
  2. What is important about Christ’s burial, the tomb, the aloes and Myrrh?
  3. Discuss which OT prophecies were fulfilled by Christ’s burial?
  4. What can we apply from this passage for our own lives (consider the two headings for service used in the sermon alongside any other areas which might come through).
  5. Pray for each other as a group especially that we will be challenged to respond more and more to Christ’s incredible love for us, that we may be  better at recognising the gifts we have and be willing to use those gifts for His service.
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A study on Mark 15:22-39

If you missed the sermon on Mark 15:22-39, here it is:  A Gamers view of the crucifixion (or looking out with Jesus)

  1. Discuss the different people who were present at the crucifixion – what were they doing there, what motives might they have had, how did they respond on the day?
  2. Discuss your reaction to the crucifixion (look at all the gospel accounts and Psalm 22).
  3. In the sermon it was suggested that the crucifixion requires a response? Does it? If so, what is your response?
  4. We were challenged earlier in the service to encourage eachother with scriptures which have been helpful to us this year. Spend some time as a group doing this and consider learning a new scripture, together, each week.


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A study on Mark 6:1-13

A study based on the sermon: Go!

  1. Read Mark 6:1-6 Discuss the reaction of the local people to Jesus what was their first reaction and then what was their response? What can we learn from this?
  2. How do you think Jesus might have felt about being rejected? How did He respond?
  3. Read 6:7-13 Discuss the way Jesus sent the disciples out, what they had authority to do and what they were instructed to do.
  4. What was the result?
  5. Spend a good amount of time discussing what we can learn from this passage and apply to our own lives and walk with The Lord.
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Sierra Leone Elections


Sierra Leone has a major set of elections on March 7th this year.

The country will go to the polls and vote for new:

  • President
  • MPs
  • Mayors
  • Councillors
  • District Council Chairmen.

Please pray:

  • for this process to be honest, fair, and democratic;
  • that Christians will become more prominent in the ruling positions in Sierra Leone;
  • for a Christian President.
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