Broad Shoulders

A short study on Isaiah 9:1-7

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up at: It is written it will happen!

  1. Where are verses 1 and 2 quoted in the New Testament? What does this teach us about the meaning of the passage?
  2. What blessing is promised in verses 3-5? (Discuss the reference to Midian. cf. Judges 7)
  3. Who is predicted in verses 6 and 7? Explain what these verses teach about His role.
  4. Talk about the significance of each name used for Him [* Wonderful Counsellor –* Mighty God –* Everlasting Father –* Prince of Peace], what do they mean for Israel,  for us today and in their future fulfilment?
  5. If you haven’t covered it in your discussions, pick up on the application for us today, this advent.
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