Bullet points – A study on Matthew 5:6-8

This study is based on the sermon: Need an attitude adjustment?

Reading: Matthew 5:6-8

  1. How do you feel when the Lord reminds you through His Word, or a sermon about a need to change your attitude?
  2. Verse 6:
    1. what does it mean to hunger and thirst?
    2. what might cause us to lose our appetite for God, and the things of God?
    3. how can that be remedied?
  3. Verse 7:
    1. what is mercy?
    2. what is the condition on us being shown mercy?
    3. what if we don’t feel merciful?
  4. Verse 8:
    1. what does a pure heart look like?
    2. how can you have a pure heart?
    3. what does it mean to see God; is that a promise for now or for the future?
  5. Homework: ask the Lord to show you any areas in your life where there needs to be an ‘attitude adjustment’, and follow that up with a commitment to let Him do that work with you and for you.
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To be or not to be…. Meek

A study based on the sermon: Are You On The Inheritance List?

Start off by reading Matthew 5:1-12, then re-read verse 5

1 – What is meek and what isn’t?

2 – How would taking the first two beatitudes seriously lead us to be “meek”

3 – Can you be meek and angry at the same time? (James 1:19-21) Meek and have strong convictions? (Galatians 2:11-14)

4 – What does “meekness” look like: -In business… -In school… -In our church… -In your neighbourhood…

5 – How does someone become meek? How can God change you in the following behaviours and attitudes? (Matthew 11:28-30)

Demanding ————————–Understanding

Judgmental ————————–Gentle

Condemning ————————-Respectful

Defensive —————————–Teachable

Vengeful ——————————Merciful

Arrogant ——————————Humble

Self-sufficient ————————Trusting

6 – Where do we learn the attitudes listed on the left and what is our motivation for living out the attitudes on the right?

7 – From the world’s point of view, why is it surprising that the meek will inherit the earth?

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A study in blessings

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve had a look at two of the beatitudes found in Matthew 5:1-12; sermons can be found here:

The Be – Attitudes Part 1

Happy Are The Sad !!

  1. What has been going on before this ‘sermon on the mount’?
  2. Who is Jesus talking to and how have his words here been twisted and misconstrued by people from other faiths, atheists and even Christians?
  3. Take some time discussing the first two statements of Jesus about being poor in spirit and mourning, don’t rush through the discussion but try and deal with each in as much depth as possible and consider how we should apply each to our lives today.
  4. Spend some time seeking the Lord in Prayer for the life and work of New Connexions


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Week of Prayer Day 8 – Feeling Sheepish?

Reading: Psalm 23:1-3

The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; He leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honour to his name.

This psalm is a great favorite for a lot of people and it sounds amazing doesn’t it? It’s such a beautiful picture of us as sheep being led by our Shepherd.

But God comparing us to sheep is hardly a compliment. Sorry to offend you if you’ve a high view of sheep, but sheep are generally very stupid. There are other animals that we might have preferred to be compared to, maybe a dolphin, a chimp or a dog? But the fact is God compared us to sheep.

Sheep are thick, they play a perpetual follow the leader and if one runs they all tend to follow, they can’t defend themselves, or even escape from any threat. Sheep are pretty much woolly jumpers and lamb chops waiting to happen, all that’s needed is a spinning wheel and some mint sauce. So then sheep need their shepherd. If the shepherd do his job properly… well then they are dead. God knows that we are like that too, and it would be good for us is we acknowledged it.

Those opening lines are good aren’t they, comforting and true, but equally true are the words that follow in verse 4: Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.

We love the green pastures and the still waters, but we don’t like dark and difficult valleys. Though as is clear here, it’s not if the valleys come, but when.  So let’s Thank God that the Shepherd who was with David is with us too.

Reflect: Am I staying close to my Shepherd, listening to His voice, accepting His guidance, and enjoying His protection?

Act: over the next week, use this Psalm as a lead into your prayer time, allowing The Lord space to speak and taking time to listen to His comfort, His words of correction and His perfect guidance.

Children’s Prayer Activity


Look in the mirror today and thank God for all the  things He helps you with and give Him a smile 🙂 in the mirror as you thank Him for making you such a special person.

What next? Remember to talk and listen to God every day, as He loves to get to know you better. You could learn this short bible verse about prayer

Never stop praying.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 NLT

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