A Study on Judges 11: Jephthah

If you missed the sermon on this passage you can pick it up here.

  1. What are your first thoughts on reading this account?
  2. Does your family background have a lasting effect on your approach to life?
  3. As a group: list all the positive reasons why you think God chose Jephthah and then all of the negative reasons that might have put you off from choosing him to lead?
  4. Talk through Jephthah’s vow. From the point of him making it, was that good or bad? Also what was the outcome?
  5. Where are the main areas of application for us in this passage?
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A Study on Romans 11:33-36

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up here.

  1. As a group try and describe God as completely as you can.
  2. Read through the text from each translation that is represented in your group.
  3. What caused Paul to write these verses?
  4. When you read and hear about God’s incredible attributes and His salvation plan, what is your reaction?
  5. In the sermon we picked up on at least five areas of application. As a group consider the key areas of application and discuss how you will help each other in applying this passage in your daily lives. 
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A Study on Romans 11:11-32

If you missed the sermon, you can always pick it up here

  1. Pray for the Lord’s leading and then read through the passage.
  2. compare the question Paul asks in verse 11 with that he had previously asked in verse 1. discuss the point he is making.
  3. Discuss as a group a) did Israel stumble b) did Israel fall? in both cases if so how?
  4. Talk through the illustration Paul gives of the olive tree (verses 17-24), what is Paul saying in this about both the Gentiles and the Jews?
  5. What does it mean in verse 26, that ‘all Israel will be saved’? Consider this especially in the light of Romans 10:13.

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John 14:1-6 A Study

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up here.

  1. Read through the passage and discuss why Jesus starts off with the words He does. i.e. what is the background to this passage.
  2. What does the bible tell us about heaven?
  3. As a group, discuss what you feel about eternity.
  4. Jesus makes it clear to us here that there is no other way to be saved. How can we use this passage when speaking to people who are not Christians.
  5. As you have looked at the questions above you will have seen some areas of application for us. Which other ways should we be applying this passage?
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