Sunday Service May 10th

Good morning and welcome

We pray that whether you are joining us for the first time or you’re a regular that you’ll be blessed this morning. If you’re unsure how to work your way through the service, simply follow the order of service below; you will find a mixture of video, links to worship and a few words, simply follow them all through in order and as every Sunday, we’ll all come out the other end, having read and studied God’s word, sung His praises, come before Him in prayer and been built up by Him as we go into the week ahead.

Song – How Great Thou Art

Song – These are the days of Elijah

Song – Strength Will Rise

Song – The Power Of The Cross

Song – Holy, Holy, Holy

Song – To God Be The Glory

Blessing – God Be With You

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Romans 14:1-12 ~ A study

If you missed the sermon you can find it here.

  1. When you think of grey areas in church life, what do you think of?
  2. From a biblical point of view? What makes something a grey area rather than a clear black and white issue? Here are starters: tattoos, women in ministry, gambling, bible translations. Please add a good number of your own too.
  3. What is important about the day we set aside for worship? i.e. what must we do on that day and what should we not do?
  4. Discuss judgement.
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Romans 13:1-7 ~ A Study

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up via the sermon tab searching by book or date.

  1. What is your first reaction to being told what to do by someone else?
  2. What kind of attitudes do people have in our society when it comes to people in power over us?
  3. What are the reasons Paul gives as to why we should submit to governing authorities? What does it mean to submit?
  4. Loooking at verses 6-7. What does submission to authority look like in practice? Talk a bit too about tax…
  5. When is it OK to disobey those in authority over us?
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A Study on Romans 11:11-32

If you missed the sermon, you can always pick it up here

  1. Pray for the Lord’s leading and then read through the passage.
  2. compare the question Paul asks in verse 11 with that he had previously asked in verse 1. discuss the point he is making.
  3. Discuss as a group a) did Israel stumble b) did Israel fall? in both cases if so how?
  4. Talk through the illustration Paul gives of the olive tree (verses 17-24), what is Paul saying in this about both the Gentiles and the Jews?
  5. What does it mean in verse 26, that ‘all Israel will be saved’? Consider this especially in the light of Romans 10:13.

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