The Real Face of Tolerance

I was privileged to Join Mike Hutchinson in conversation around the issue of tolerance, or lack of, in the UK.

 Navigating the world of Christian faith and practice can be difficult. Every Wednesday, join Mike Hutchinson, a long-time student of Christian theology, as he interviews guests who are expert guides to Christianity, theology, and the historic Reformed faith. Whether you’re just interested in learning about Christianity, you’re a new Christian, you’re new to Reformed theology, or you’re a long-time student of theology yourself, this is the podcast to help you think biblically and think deeply about theology.

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It could be you…

  • This is not about me….
  • This is about keeping children safe
  • This is about #freedomofspeech
  • This is about #Antichristian bullying
  • This is about #Tolerance
  • This is about #CulturalMarxism
  • This is about our #society
  • This is about your safety – you could be next!

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RSE – What UK Parents, Grandparents, Carers (and in fact Everyone who cares about Children) needs to know

The way that traditional values have been slowly eroded over past decades and are now increasingly and aggressively derided and forced out of our society cannot have escaped any Christian, and so it is more and more important that in following Christ’s reminder in Matthew 5:13-16 to be ‘Salt & Light’, that we ensure we’re equipped.

As a Church New Connexions does everything we can to help you with that equipping: in our preaching, teaching, studying together, prayer, fellowship and care for one another we seek The Lord’s leading and to be obedient to Him. We also ensure that current issues which require our attention are posted on our Twitter Page, but we are also thankful to the Lord for the many people and organisations who are involved in ministries sharing and caring for Christians in this land. In particular this post is indebted to Roger Kiska and the team at Christian Concern for providing the short video below. Please do watch it and also share it as widely as you possibly can.

This is one of many, many areas where our society is under attack (for others see our Twitter Page), please keep informed, keep lobbying and keep sharing. Also please keep praying, stay strong in the battle, and praise God for His goodness!  

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Time to serve?

A study on Mark 9:30-50. If you missed the sermon on Sunday you can find it here: Ready Salted Christians

  1. Why was Jesus going the quiet way back to Capernaum?
  2. Jesus had one topic in mind and the disciples another; discuss what’s going on here;
  3. Discuss verses 35 – 37 what are the key points Jesus is making here?
  4. In verse 38 John changes the subject, discuss Jesus answer and what we can learn from these verses;
  5. In verses 43-48 Jesus talks about radical surgery, what is the point that Jesus is making here? In what sense are we to ‘cut off a foot or a hand’ etc.
  6. What does verse 49 mean? Discuss.