Romans 12:14-21 ~ A Study

If you missed the sermon click here to find it.

  1. Read the passage and discuss what your initial thoughts about it are;
  2. Who might be our enemies – try to be as broad as possible in thinking this through;
  3. How do we fail in this?
  4. Where can we help each other live obediently in this area?
  5. What might be some of the outcomes of obedience to these verses?
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The new blasphemy

@TDieppe Head of Policy at Christian Concern comments on what he calls “The New Blasphemy”…

…Bullies should be stood up to. It is high time these bullies started to realise that bullying doesn’t pay.

Harassed for caring for children
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The Real Face of Tolerance

I was privileged to Join Mike Hutchinson in conversation around the issue of tolerance, or lack of, in the UK.

 Navigating the world of Christian faith and practice can be difficult. Every Wednesday, join Mike Hutchinson, a long-time student of Christian theology, as he interviews guests who are expert guides to Christianity, theology, and the historic Reformed faith. Whether you’re just interested in learning about Christianity, you’re a new Christian, you’re new to Reformed theology, or you’re a long-time student of theology yourself, this is the podcast to help you think biblically and think deeply about theology.

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It could be you…

  • This is not about me….
  • This is about keeping children safe
  • This is about #freedomofspeech
  • This is about #Antichristian bullying
  • This is about #Tolerance
  • This is about #CulturalMarxism
  • This is about our #society
  • This is about your safety – you could be next!

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