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  • This is not about me….
  • This is about keeping children safe
  • This is about #freedomofspeech
  • This is about #Antichristian bullying
  • This is about #Tolerance
  • This is about #CulturalMarxism
  • This is about our #society
  • This is about your safety – you could be next!

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God is Jealous – how does that work?

A study on Nahum Chapter 1.

This study is based on the sermon: Is God Really Jealous?

  1. How familiar are the group with this book? Why do you think that is?
  2. What are the first thoughts you have on reading the first six verses?
  3. Describe what it means to be jealous?
  4. How is God jealous?
  5. Jonah had been used by God to convert the whole of Nineveh, a few hundred years later and there are few believer left. What can we learn from this as we look at our own society?
  6. In which ways is this chapter comforting to believers?

Study Questions: Zephaniah 1

This study relates to the sermon: God’s Love Seen Through Judgement

  1. Zephaniah starts his prophecy telling us his family background (1:1); he is a fourth-generation descendant of King Hezekiah (King of Judah from 715-686BC).  Does this pedigree matter to you?  Why or why not? 
  2. His opening words of prophecy tells of a terrible judgment to come: “I will sweep away everything from the face of the earth” (1:2).  It closes on the “day of the Lord” when God “will make a sudden end of all who live in the earth” (1:18).  This just might be the harshest, most universal judgment announcement in the Bible.  How does this make you feel?  How does this make you feel about God?
  3. God is clearly a little upset with Judah.  What has Judah done wrong? (see 1:4-6)
  4. Why is this book relevant to Christians today? On Sunday we talked through a lot of application for us today – what did that include?


Game Playing – A study

Some study questions For James 4:11-17.

Here’s the sermon if you missed it… The Games Christians Play

  1. In which kinds of ways might we “speak evil against each other”? Check back on what James said in chapter 3; maybe as a group you’ll find some other bible passages that say similar things?
  2. What does it mean to judge a brother or sister? Does this mean we can’t point out others’ sins? Why or why not?
  3. What is the difference between the kind of unpleasantness/judging here, and proper correction? So how do we balance confronting people with their sin and the fact that God is The judge?
  4. Does verse 13 mean that making plans is evil? What about if your Pastor says, “I’ll move to Littleport and spend a year there, start a new church and train leaders and then move on to another place.” Would that be wrong?
  5. How can we know God’s will?
  6. Pastor said in the sermon that “it’s not difficult to know God’s will” – if that’s so, then why do so many Christians say things like, “I just don’t know what The Lord wants me to do?”
  7. Share as a group any areas for prayer that you are seeking the Lord on, and spend some time praying for one another as well as the worship and witness of New Connexions.