A study on Mark 6:1-13

A study based on the sermon: Go!

  1. Read Mark 6:1-6 Discuss the reaction of the local people to Jesus what was their first reaction and then what was their response? What can we learn from this?
  2. How do you think Jesus might have felt about being rejected? How did He respond?
  3. Read 6:7-13 Discuss the way Jesus sent the disciples out, what they had authority to do and what they were instructed to do.
  4. What was the result?
  5. Spend a good amount of time discussing what we can learn from this passage and apply to our own lives and walk with The Lord.
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Feasts of Israel – Study 2

Study based on the sermon: Jewish Feasts Part 2 – Pentecost

Reading: Leviticus 23: 15-22

There are only a few questions here but take each one in as much depth as you can.

  1. What was Pentecost:
    1. looking back to;
    2. giving thanks for;
    3. looking ahead to?
  2. Why was yeast used in the bread and why were there two loaves – what do the loaves represent?
  3. Where is the application for us as a church in the UK in the 21st century?
  4. please take time to pray for each other and pick up on this terms prayer pointers below:

This term’s prayer pointers:

  • Give regular thanks for answered prayer;
  • Pray that The Lord will build His Church at New Connexions: spiritually, physically and numerically;
  • Seek the Lord for direction as to outreach in the year ahead.


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