The Real Face of Tolerance

I was privileged to Join Mike Hutchinson in conversation around the issue of tolerance, or lack of, in the UK.

 Navigating the world of Christian faith and practice can be difficult. Every Wednesday, join Mike Hutchinson, a long-time student of Christian theology, as he interviews guests who are expert guides to Christianity, theology, and the historic Reformed faith. Whether you’re just interested in learning about Christianity, you’re a new Christian, you’re new to Reformed theology, or you’re a long-time student of theology yourself, this is the podcast to help you think biblically and think deeply about theology.

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It could be you…

  • This is not about me….
  • This is about keeping children safe
  • This is about #freedomofspeech
  • This is about #Antichristian bullying
  • This is about #Tolerance
  • This is about #CulturalMarxism
  • This is about our #society
  • This is about your safety – you could be next!

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Romans 3:27 – 4:12

If you missed the sermon, pick it up here: Outrageous Grace

  1. Recap on what we looked at last week in our study on propitiation, Justification and Redemption.
  2. What is the main conclusion Paul draws from the doctrine of Justification (verses 27 & 28).
  3. Given that this passage is very much dealing with a specific issue for Jewish believers, how can we and should we apply this passage to ourselves as a ‘Gentile’ congregation in the UK?
  4. Pastor entitled his message on this passage Outrageous Grace. What is so outrageous about God’s grace?
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