Tea @ Ten!

What a privilege to entertain our Over-60’s group in North Ely!

On Friday, 2 August 2019, New Connexions Church High Barns entertained our local Over-60’s group and treated them with a “High Tea”. There were scones with cream and jam, chocolate cake, lemon cake, banana muffins, fruit, and many more finger licking treats to feast on.

We even had our own waiter and waitress, Samuel and Tilly, who did a wonderful job taking all the orders and serving the guests. There was a quiz with some questions about the 1950’s which gave us an insight into some very interesting historical facts. We heard hilarious anecdotes of a past era and even heard about a teacher living just across from a village school and coming back to school on horseback after lunch.

Pastor Keith Waters read Psalm 23, one of the most beautiful and comforting passages in the Bible. We also sang a favourite hymn of the group which they remembered from their childhood – All things bright and beautiful. Such a beautiful song and Psalm. What a pity our children don’t hear this in our schools anymore. 

We all had a great time and we will definitely treat our elderly again!

Claudine New Connexions ELY

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Romans 7:13-25 A Study

If you missed the sermon, you can pick it up here.

  1. Verses 7-13 –  What two things happen when an unbeliever comes into contact with the law?
  2. Does Pauls description in verses 14-25 look like a realistic description of a Christian?
  3. Verses 14-25. Discuss the positive things says about himself and then talk through the negative things. How can these both be true?
  4. Have you ever been discouraged by sin and failure? How does this chapter encourage us?

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Romans 6:15-23 – A Study

If you missed the sermon, you can pick it up here.

Read through the passage and pray asking the Lord to open it up to you.

  1. Why does Paul ask his question in verse 15?
  2. What images come to mind when we think of slavery? Compare this to what you know of slavery in the first century A.D.
  3. Look through the passages again and pick out the various contrasts between being a slave to sin and a slave to God. Talk through each one.
  4. In which ways can and should we apply this passage to out lives?

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A Study – Romans 6:1-14

If you missed the sermon on this Passage you can find it HERE

  1. Read from Romans 5:20 to 6:14
  2. Why does Paul ask the question he asks in verse 1?
  3. Spend some time discussing the different way Paul, in verses 1-11, contrasts Sin and death with freedom and life.
  4. Read verses 12-14 again (phrase by phrase) and discuss each instruction. Specifically discuss how these instruction ought to be applied to our lives.
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