A Study of Storms…

This study is based on Mark 4:35-41 and the sermon The Teacher Tests Us

  1. What is the setting of this passage, i.e. what has been going on during the day before we get to the ‘that evening’ in our passage?
  2.  Did Jesus know that there would be a storm? If so, why did He tell His disciples to sail into it?
  3. How do we know whether our circumstances are as a result of, spiritual attack,  our own disobedience or our obedience?
  4. Why does Jesus test us, and what should we expect to learn through that testing?
  5. take a look at our verses of the year and compare them to this passage. How might our following the encouragements of those verses enable us to support one another and be supported in the storms that come our way?
  6. Spend some time lifting up the work and life of God’s Church at New Connexions in prayer.
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Sierra Leone Elections


Sierra Leone has a major set of elections on March 7th this year.

The country will go to the polls and vote for new:

  • President
  • MPs
  • Mayors
  • Councillors
  • District Council Chairmen.

Please pray:

  • for this process to be honest, fair, and democratic;
  • that Christians will become more prominent in the ruling positions in Sierra Leone;
  • for a Christian President.
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Sierra Leone Prayer Points February 2018

Please pray:

  • For the elections on March 7th. The country will vote for new representatives – MPs, mayors, councillors, district council chairs and of course, a president who will determine their future for the next five years. Please pray for this process to be honest and democratic. Also that Christians will become more prominent in the ruling positions in Sierra Leone;
  • that those in leadership positions will be given wisdom and a discerning spirit as they lead the Connexional Churches;
  •  for Rev. Alex Dixon as he works with Theophilus in promoting the gospel through the Connexional Churches in Sierra Leone.
    • that he will have a good partnership with Esther Tommy;
    • that he will be given strength to fulfil his church commitments and support his wife Victoria in her illness;
    • that the church at Lady Selina will be of one mind concerning the development of the roof space;
  • for the Annual Sierra Leone Conference as it takes place this month. Pray for a sense of oneness and a spirit of love and concern.
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Sierra Leone Prayer Points for December 2017

The main issue in Sierra Leone at the moment involves the contents of the 40 foot container which arrived at Bethesda two weeks ago.





Please pray:

  • That God will stir the hearts of folk in the Connexion to help with the massive distribution of goods.
  • That Magnus, Daniel and others involved in the organisation will be given wisdom in the distribution of the shoe bags and other items.
  • That transport might be available to deliver the goods to outlying villages.
  • That those involved in this work will be strengthened and stay healthy throughout. That God will keep them safe on the roads.
  • That the children receiving the shoe bags will also receive the love of Jesus.
  • That the street children will accept the sleeping bags knowing that God loves them.
  • That Christmas will be a blessed time for all our friends in the Connexional Churches.
  • That Christmas will be celebrated by the children at Bethesda as a time of happiness.
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