Love beyond

You might want to take a look at our Introduction to the Minor Prophets and check out the sermon that accompanies this study: Hosea and the local tart.

Reading Hosea 1-2

  1. What do we know about Hosea (family, time of ministry, who was ministering at the same time, where was he etc.)?
  2. How do you think Hosea’s relationship with God was before his marriage, and when he was called to prophesy in the way he was what kind of thoughts and reactions might he have had?
  3. What does the way we live our lives show others about our relationship with God?
  4. Chapter 1: verse 7 – discuss the different attitudes of Israel and Judah (at least at that time)
  5. Chapter 1: verses 10 and 11 – what have we seen so far of this happening in our era?
  6. Chapter 2: verses 6 to 16 – God will often use our sin to bring us to the lowest point and back to him – why should Christians be wary of trying to ‘protect’ people in these situations?
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Characters on the way…

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up here: Believing AND Following

Read Luke 23: 26-43

  1. As you read through the passage, consider the various characters we meet along the way and for each of the characters discuss:
    1. What do we know about them (maybe from other passages)?
    2. Did Jesus talk to them?
    3. Do we know how they responded to Jesus?
  2. What do the various things that happen and are said in this passage teach us about:
    1. Our own faith;
    2. Humility;
    3. Christs love;
    4. Sharing the gospel?
  3. What is the difference between intellectual belief and following Jesus?
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