A Study on Habakkuk 1:1-4

Based on the passage and this sermon When we cry out, God where are you!

  1. Talk through what we know about Habakkuk and the time in which he lived.
  2. Why is Habakkuk is upset, is that what God wants?
  3. How do you feel about our own society? What are you doing about it? and what should we be doing? (both in respect of God and the people in our society)
  4. What ‘big questions’ do group members have? As a group, have a try at answering those questions from a scriptural perspective.
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Time to serve?

A study on Mark 9:30-50. If you missed the sermon on Sunday you can find it here: Ready Salted Christians

  1. Why was Jesus going the quiet way back to Capernaum?
  2. Jesus had one topic in mind and the disciples another; discuss what’s going on here;
  3. Discuss verses 35 – 37 what are the key points Jesus is making here?
  4. In verse 38 John changes the subject, discuss Jesus answer and what we can learn from these verses;
  5. In verses 43-48 Jesus talks about radical surgery, what is the point that Jesus is making here? In what sense are we to ‘cut off a foot or a hand’ etc.
  6. What does verse 49 mean? Discuss.

A Study on Colossians 2:9-14

Some study questions based on the sermon Do You Have Real Peace?

  1. Read Colossians 2:8-14
  2. Verse 8 – How might we be captured, and by what kinds of empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense?
  3. Verses 9 & 10 – Why is it crucial that we see and believe the truth that Christ is both completely man and completely God? Also what does it mean, “that you are complete by your union with God“?
  4. Verses 11 & 12 – Discuss what we heard in the sermon about these verses on circumcision and baptism. How might we overstate or understate the importance of a public declaration of faith in baptism?
  5. Verses 13 & 14 – Pastor says, “These are powerful statements and if taken to heart will have a profound affect on the believer” Do you agree, if so (or not) why, and what difference is it going to have on your life with Christ?

A Study on Colossians 1:1-14

This study is based on the two sermons below and so it would be beneficial to have heard them prior to the study:

This is Amazing Grace

How do I know what God wants me to do?

  1. What do we know about this letter (why and when did Paul write etc.), Colossae, and the Colossian church?
  2. Read the passage: Colossians 1:1-14
  3. Work through the passage again – slowly, paying particular attention to what it teaches us about prayer. Which aspects of Paul’s approach to prayer might be missing in our prayer lives? Discuss and then consider how this can be put right.
  4. How can we know the will of God? Discuss this question in some depth, it’s a major topic amongst Christians today, yet the answer is plain and simple, so why do we still struggle.
  5. Please take some time together praying for each other and the wider fellowship; that we may know more and more of Jesus in our lives.