What kind of field are we planting?

A study on Mark 4:1-20 based on the sermon Sowing the seed of love…

  1. Read the first two verses and discuss how you imagine the scene as Jesus is teaching;
  2. Read the rest of the passage. Why might people not understand the parable?
  3. discuss each of the 4 soil/soul types.
  4. How ought we apply this passage to our own lives?
  5. Spend some time in prayer, seeking the Lord’s leading in our life as a church and His protection, wisdom, boldness and compassion as we’re obedient to Him.
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Sierra Leone Elections


Sierra Leone has a major set of elections on March 7th this year.

The country will go to the polls and vote for new:

  • President
  • MPs
  • Mayors
  • Councillors
  • District Council Chairmen.

Please pray:

  • for this process to be honest, fair, and democratic;
  • that Christians will become more prominent in the ruling positions in Sierra Leone;
  • for a Christian President.
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Our Agenda or God’s Agenda?

A study based on Acts 12:1-11

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up here: Powerful Prayers & Powerful Answers

  1. Read the passage and as you work your way through it, stop at after each new character is introduced and discuss what the group know about them;
  2. Peter slept, talk through how you might feel in a comparative situation and also why was Peter able to sleep? What can we learn form this and how can we apply it to our lives today?
  3. Discus verse 8 and consider how the miraculous is almost always missed with the practical when Go intervenes in our lives;
  4. Going back to verse 5, we read that the people prayed earnestly, what might that kind of prayer be like?
  5. Discuss as a group how you can practically help each other to be encouraged and helped to develop in your personal prayer lives and also be more engaged in the church’s collective prayer life.
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Pray Together

This study is based on the sermon: God’s priority for praying together

  1. Read Act 6: 1-5
  2. What does the bible, generally have to say on corporate prayer (prayer meetings)?
  3. Why do church prayer meetings in the west lack attendance? Are prayer meetings important…? Discuss. If so who should get along to prayer meetings?
  4. What should prayer meetings be like, is there a general rule of what to do?
  5. Discuss the difference between prayer and church growth in Europe, North America, Australasia and Asia, The Middle East, and Africa.
  6. Do you feel challenged by this study?
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