Such Authority!

A Study on Mark 1:21-45 based on the sermon: Authority!

  1. Imagine the scene in the in the Synagogue as Jesus joins the regular crowd. What was different about the way He taught?
  2. Discuss Demons, being possessed and what that means. Are Christians possessed? Discuss your answers.
  3. Why don’t we hear of people being possessed today?
  4. We see Jesus healing many people. Does He still heal today? If so why isn’t everyone healed?
  5. Talk through the lepers request, Jesus response and the Lepers response to being healed.
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A Study on Mark 1:1-20

If you missed the sermon, here’s the link: Don’t Mend Your Nets!

Reading Mark 1:1-20.

  1. What do we know about Mark, who was he, why was he writing and who to, when was he writing?
  2. What was John the Baptist doing and why? Discuss what it must have been like to have been around with him?
  3. Why was Jesus baptised? Discussed what happened when He was.
  4. Mark hardly mentions the temptations, but He mentions enough to tell us the important facts – what are they and what difference does it make to our understanding of Jesus?
  5. What does it mean to follow Jesus, and what might be stopping us from following Him more obediently (what kind of nets might we be mending?)
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Our Agenda or God’s Agenda?

A study based on Acts 12:1-11

If you missed the sermon you can pick it up here: Powerful Prayers & Powerful Answers

  1. Read the passage and as you work your way through it, stop at after each new character is introduced and discuss what the group know about them;
  2. Peter slept, talk through how you might feel in a comparative situation and also why was Peter able to sleep? What can we learn form this and how can we apply it to our lives today?
  3. Discus verse 8 and consider how the miraculous is almost always missed with the practical when Go intervenes in our lives;
  4. Going back to verse 5, we read that the people prayed earnestly, what might that kind of prayer be like?
  5. Discuss as a group how you can practically help each other to be encouraged and helped to develop in your personal prayer lives and also be more engaged in the church’s collective prayer life.
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A Study on Colossians 2:9-14

Some study questions based on the sermon Do You Have Real Peace?

  1. Read Colossians 2:8-14
  2. Verse 8 – How might we be captured, and by what kinds of empty philosophies and high sounding nonsense?
  3. Verses 9 & 10 – Why is it crucial that we see and believe the truth that Christ is both completely man and completely God? Also what does it mean, “that you are complete by your union with God“?
  4. Verses 11 & 12 – Discuss what we heard in the sermon about these verses on circumcision and baptism. How might we overstate or understate the importance of a public declaration of faith in baptism?
  5. Verses 13 & 14 – Pastor says, “These are powerful statements and if taken to heart will have a profound affect on the believer” Do you agree, if so (or not) why, and what difference is it going to have on your life with Christ?
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