Sunday Service May 10th

Good morning and welcome

We pray that whether you are joining us for the first time or you’re a regular that you’ll be blessed this morning. If you’re unsure how to work your way through the service, simply follow the order of service below; you will find a mixture of video, links to worship and a few words, simply follow them all through in order and as every Sunday, we’ll all come out the other end, having read and studied God’s word, sung His praises, come before Him in prayer and been built up by Him as we go into the week ahead.

Song – How Great Thou Art

Song – These are the days of Elijah

Song – Strength Will Rise

Song – The Power Of The Cross

Song – Holy, Holy, Holy

Song – To God Be The Glory

Blessing – God Be With You

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Romans 2:12-29 A Study

You can find the sermon on this passage here

  1. Read the passage and discuss how, if at all, what Paul says in these verses is different to the first 11 verses.
  2. look again at the passage as a whole and substitute the word Jew for Christian and the word law for Bible and discuss where we might be at risk of relying in things other than Jesus.
  3. Discuss circumcision, what is the purpose of circumcision? And how might we apply this to church life and Christianity today?
  4. As a group discuss the ways in which we can and should apply this passage to a) our individual lives and b) our life as a fellowship. 

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A Study – Mark 14:1-21

This study is based on the sermon: Two Ordinary People

  1. Passover is an important part of the Jewish year – in which ways is it a reminder of history and how is it also prophetic;
  2. In the sermon we looked at Mary’s ‘act of worship’ we had three headings to consider, what were they? Talk them through as a group. In which ways do these challenge you?
  3.  In the sermon we also looked at Judas’s ‘act of betrayal’. How could the other disciples not have known?
  4. Judas could have repented even after the accusation in verse 18. Discuss…
  5. Judas’ act was foreknown and even foreordained (cf. Psalm 41:9). Nevertheless, Judas was responsible for his decisions. Discuss.