A Study on Romans 10:4-13

If you missed the message on this passage please pick it up here

  1. Read Romans 10:4-13.
  2. Why is Paul talking about going up to heaven and down to the dead?
  3. Which parts of the OT was Paul quoting (most bibles will have footnotes which will cross refer you).
  4. Why was he quoting this?
  5. What was Paul’s main point here?
  6. We mentioned a number of area where we might apply this passage to our lives. Which can you recall and do you feel any were missed?
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Sierra Leone Mission Prayer Points September 2019

  • It is still the rainy season in Sierra Leone and there has been much flooding in Freetown. Many people have lost their homes and belongings and some their lives. Please continue to pray for safety and a stop to the mud slides. Please pray that the Government might act wisely concerning the deforestation on the mountains and also bring in legislation so that folk are not allowed to build near waterways that are liable to flood.
  • The schools begin their new year on the 16th September. Please pray for our teachers; that God will help them to value each child in their class and that they will be encouraged in their vocation.
  • Pray for Magnus, Daniel and James as they lead the Connexion in Sierra Leone. Pray for the pastors especially as they all meet together on the last Saturday of the month.
  • Pray for the new Sunday School teachers and the children as the children’s work develops.
  • Thank God that all of the children at Bethesda passed their exams in June and are able to move into the next class.
  • Pray for a meeting on the 19th September between the SLM committee and Relay Trust. This charity has its own web page. 
  • Thank God for providing funds to buy land for the Health Clinic. Please pray that God will undertake in the next step; to design and build.
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Tea @ Ten!

What a privilege to entertain our Over-60’s group in North Ely!

On Friday, 2 August 2019, New Connexions Church High Barns entertained our local Over-60’s group and treated them with a “High Tea”. There were scones with cream and jam, chocolate cake, lemon cake, banana muffins, fruit, and many more finger licking treats to feast on.

We even had our own waiter and waitress, Samuel and Tilly, who did a wonderful job taking all the orders and serving the guests. There was a quiz with some questions about the 1950’s which gave us an insight into some very interesting historical facts. We heard hilarious anecdotes of a past era and even heard about a teacher living just across from a village school and coming back to school on horseback after lunch.

Pastor Keith Waters read Psalm 23, one of the most beautiful and comforting passages in the Bible. We also sang a favourite hymn of the group which they remembered from their childhood – All things bright and beautiful. Such a beautiful song and Psalm. What a pity our children don’t hear this in our schools anymore. 

We all had a great time and we will definitely treat our elderly again!

Claudine New Connexions ELY

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Study Questions – Romans 7:1-6

The Law & the Christian

1. In what sense are Christians “not under law” and in what sense do we still have obligations to it?

2. Why is the idea that love is the only command needed for those under grace inadequate and misguided?

3. If the law was impossible to keep and actually stimulated our sinful passions, why did God institute it?

4. Can there be such a thing as an unfruitful Christian? Include John 15: 1-8 in your discussion.

5. Paul uses marriage as a metaphor for our relationship to God and the law. Using the marriage vows discuss how these compare to our commitment to God.

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